Splish, Splash, Splosh.
Restraint. Passivity. Pro-active warfare. Not following. Following. Boom gate Integrity. Secret design.
All of the above 2B used as protection against enemies anywhere, anytime.
This is addressed to women who want success. And that means women who are energetic enough to go after it. The road to success, is rarely single-tracked. It’s a multilane highway that branches in myriad directions.
And reputation? Taste? Membership to the local Labor Club? Discretion? ... Impeccable
No matter in which direction your strivings for success, what you wear and how you look can make the difference between moving steadily toward your goal or just rocking back and forth in the same spot.
Think of yourself as ‘product’. Sell the product. Improve it by becoming a ‘fashion plate’. Have an edge with no competition. In a communist world??
‘Packaging’ makes all the difference for those who are sought after and snapped up fast in the well-stocked supermarket of the dance.
Clothing can make you look the part you want to play, but it can’t replace the ability to play it. The look – does it fit the picture of the role you want to play?
So there you are.
Peggy Alexandra.
He’s interested in the arts.
Really …Hmmm.
You could have early morning tea. Discover the arts.
Change the locks. Move to unlisted. Bolt the gate.
So …when's he going to let you know. Tomorrow?
Hmm. Eat.
Cecil? He’s a cruel man. Gives the impression of being kind. No.
He’s cruel.
Let’s go out for breakfast.
Great idea.
The chauffeur has placed at the ready the bimbo mobile.
Warfare http://timezombie.blogspot.com/2010/05/zap-encryption-guru-cracks-tangent.html