Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Peggy Alexandra

Splish, Splash, Splosh.

Restraint. Passivity. Pro-active warfare. Not following. Following. Boom gate Integrity. Secret design.

All of the above 2B used as protection against enemies anywhere, anytime.

This is addressed to women who want success. And that means women who are energetic enough to go after it. The road to success, is rarely single-tracked. It’s a multilane highway that branches in myriad directions.

And reputation? Taste? Membership to the local Labor Club? Discretion? ... Impeccable

No matter in which direction your strivings for success, what you wear and how you look can make the difference between moving steadily toward your goal or just rocking back and forth in the same spot.
Think of yourself as ‘product’. Sell the product. Improve it by becoming a ‘fashion plate’. Have an edge with no competition. In a communist world??
‘Packaging’ makes all the difference for those who are sought after and snapped up fast in the well-stocked supermarket of the dance.
Clothing can make you look the part you want to play, but it can’t replace the ability to play it. The look – does it fit the picture of the role you want to play?

So there you are.
Peggy Alexandra.

He’s interested in the arts.
Really …Hmmm.
You could have early morning tea. Discover the arts.
Change the locks. Move to unlisted. Bolt the gate.
So …when's he going to let you know. Tomorrow?
Hmm. Eat.

Cecil? He’s a cruel man. Gives the impression of being kind. No.
He’s cruel.
Let’s go out for breakfast.
Great idea.
The chauffeur has placed at the ready the bimbo mobile.


Treacle's Swirl

Swirling into the church through the double doors the crowd dispersed. Puff. Treacle n Twoply at their trumpeted posts.

6 feet.
6 feet! What’s that. 1.50 meters?
2 meters?

Spot on Dilly - 1.82 meters rounded up to one significant figure.

Have you never heard of feet and inches? (continued the garrulous ravings and admonitions of Mr Winson Twoply)

So there it is.
She’s succumbed to social butterfly purity fallacy and has formally incrassated herself to the fettered law of Mr Twoply.

As they kneel at the alter, soloist Aunt Tabitha drops her eyes imperceptibly (poignancy of unspoken grief) singing “I don’t have to try” in sotto mezzo.

Seemingly she knew more.

Ah Tabitha. Tabitha.

She always knows what’s going on. Tricky bit is she says nothing. Her rule of thumb? When in doubt let the process have clout.

She wondered idly how long. Two babies and 5 years? One and 7? Who knows. Doesn’t matter. The aunt had walked out of hell into a life. The trail had been blazed.

Treek had been close to Tabitha at times. Tabitha knew them to be too much alike for her to entertain cretins further than default use by dates. Her lesson was to self-identify them through hard experience, especially the silky smooth lovers of law.

Mrs Treacle Twoply !!

Fast forward 3 or 4 years and she’ll be grieving she never took that ticket to counter-culture freedom, barmaid @ Tilly’s

Oh well thought the singer, better the hard way than no way (Treek and Winsy exchange rings)

Hmm. Think. Perhaps a long, very long time ago in …it evades me. I’ll be passive about my hmm voice. Reign by hush-hush.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Bartender Treacle

One fine afternoon Braille Medhead’s deacon Dick invites Matty Mortlock Treek and mob to the local club, finding themselves on the other side of the bar to Darius and Zac, barmen uni students at UC and ANU

Dick, chatty leader of the moment and club regular, discovers the boys are soon to travel to the US and South America. Coming back to his table, he retells the story to Treek and cronies.

Treacle, never having seen such a club before, found herself delighting in the arbitrary nonchalance of the clientele. She wondered hazily could she do a course to get a bar ticket? Problem is she’s banned from speaking to outsiders, particularly men. Maybe Dick and Medhead would allow her to work in a women’s only bar. Goodness gracious me, surely not Tilley’s for such a special girl.

Target Practice

Burren Castle, IPSC intifada faux pas (attn Dr Raymond Deane, Elias F. Harb, Freda Hughes)

Dad (Jim),

Burren Castle, Lisdoonvarna
So you’re backing Marcus instead of exposing him for the sham he is!

Marcus White – squeaky clean politically correct anti-Zionist as per “Connie’s Coffee Talk” (Raymond Deane vs Mark Audie, Burren Castle) 

Marcus’ Anti-Zionist facade:
‘I completely disagree with the Israeli’s views worldwide and I personally support the people in Gaza’

‘The White Hotel Group has no affiliation in the past or present with Israel’
 (so he knocks back rich Jews from your establishments ?? …yeah sure Dad, and paddy’s pig flies?)
‘Please send on my sincere apologies to Raymond Deane and if you are ever in the area do call in to the Hydro Hotel for a chat’ (toadying to ??)
Yours Sincerely,
Marcus White, Director, White Hotel Group
So if it’s not Jew, Palestinian, Greek, Thai …it’s where the biggest money pot is at the time …oil …oil sheiks etc (for today)
Hence the public anti-Semitic opinion.
Types like Marcus White change horses in the wink of an eye for a quick buck.
Spineless lackeys to the dollar.
Pity the integrity accounts are so in the red.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Celtic Wisdom

When in doubt sit on a swiss ball n think of Mum.

If that doesn’t work “Go Forth and Multiply”

Above all retain control.

If your children can’t be controlled by false guilt, partition them off as “seeds of adultery” n pray for forgiveness.

Retain control at any cost.

If thinking God may be against you, buy state-of-the-art lollies for the inner sanctum.

Maintain control with cloying deference to religio-supremacist misconstructions.

If supremacist misconstructions consistently fall apart in a partition-less cranium, buy a top-end ECT machine from your local gypsy market.

Enjoy the colours.

GT goes Ballistic

Father of Treacle Gerard Tangent, long time Gun Club member and owner of English Brass .22 revolver loads 4 bullets per round.

Gerard has on his wall framed certificate of legal win against former work place practice, idolising memories. He worked on Arab oil rig as first officer, assistant engineer whilst the Turks did majority of labour. Any fault – ‘Blame Turks’ (according to Gerard) Work place practice!

According to inside/outside sources Gerard Tangent was furious with DOT as Treacle his beloved ‘fairy’ daughter or is it bewitching daughter had become deeply religious following the macabre demise of suitor Tank Noir.


Whoa there bro!

He turned his vengeance on DOT. Instead of hitting the weekly Friday target practice with the other gun runners, he aimed at DOT.

Hey presto, gun cocked, trigger pulled, hole in the head, fountain of blood.

Brilliant shot from six inches or is it six feet.

Brilliant shot. Always an Ace each Friday at the firing range with the other geeks. Spaghetti Bolognaise for three dollars a bowl afterwards.


Yes. DOT is dead.

Gerard, having insisted all his life he’ll be reincarnated as an ant, turns weapon on himself and bang.

Both are now embalmed in high-tech cryogenics @ Tooth Cove Crypt, Tabriz (NW Iran), weekender of Maud Coch-Blanc, mother of DOT.

No art was seen at site of carnage, Tangent compound.

Treacle, now orphaned at 16 was mute. Whisked away by Grape stooges, new PR man for cult leader Medhead (Matty Mortlock) shouted “praise God” “Our precious Treacle and all her precious precious money have blessed Grape bounteously” He continued “It’s only a matter of time before Holiness Medhead assigns a husband to Treek, locking her and all her money into our coffers of ‘righteous’ control forever"

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Senator Kate Lundy

Senator Lundy, fool apologist for parasitic vermin collectively known as “public servants”, is appealing to their already bloated and wanton lifestyles to get herself re-elected.

Kate Lundy
Her enticement letter for the federal election offers zero initiative on anything. It rides solely on attacking Liberals on their promise to curtail the bureaucratic plague of vainglorious idleness spreading across this land.

Restoration could begin getting some of these swindlers against the honest worker out planting salt bush to regenerate land, arrogantly left useless by their heraldry of self, simultaneously converting their lavish office spaces into industrial sweat shops for the rest.

Possibly humanitarian sterilization would be necessary to snuff out further ideological infestation of their interminable “rights” and demands.

It’s unfortunate Tony Abbott has missed the writing on the wall. That this country has reached a point of industrial decay and bureaucratic incursion such that democracy has become a self-perpetuating curse.

Under responsible leadership Lundy would likely be tried for egocentric treachery. Possibly the woman is unaware of her true condition. It’s sanctioned as lawful.

As an aggrieved expatriate I note Australia, under covert strategists, could easily have been the next superpower.
Instead her huge mineral wealth is continuing to feed and proliferate a vast bio-spherical cancer.

Eric Clapton sang “Let it Grow”

How wonderful the biosphere does have an active immune system.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Treacle Goes Religious

Following arrival of death certificate for Tank Noir, de-composed suitor to air-head celebrity Treacle Tangent, the troubled 16 yr old has sworn allegiance to Braille Medhead, cult leader of Grape Ministries.
Matty Mortlock, celebrity manager and executive hypnotist within Grape says of the contract “We’ve instituted blanket plans to subsume Treacle’s mind into full zombie subservience showcasing what can be achieved when duped Canberran’s chant joyously with the Lower Molonglo Treatment Works” adding “how wonderful it is to prey on awakening realizations of mortality in our self-obsessed youth”

ZAP editors, recognising our readership could get bored by Treacles neo-clean image, have sent special envoy Ghoul Compost-Lloyd o/s to document sinister threads of intrigue and rot within the extended family.
