Friday, June 18, 2010

Muderous Intent in Camp Z (Dame Oprah Tangent goes Ballistic)

Hi there followers of Tempestuous Raging Extremist At Compoundos Luxurious Explicitous (Treacle).
A grim consequence of Tank Noir's love addiction to the fickle, the totally-self semi-goth anarchist Treacle Tangent, has left Ingrate Noir (Tank's Mum) in full lock-down police protection.

Treacle's MOTHER, The Right Honourable Dame Oprah Tangent (DOT) has developed homicidal hatred toward Ingrate, the potential Mother-In-Law 2 Treacle.

DOT has allegedly accessed Ingrates' bank details & found her lacking in terms of raw financial clout. Furthermore she's found Ingrate Noir to be better educated with an "old-money" family line of class and aristocratic largess.
Dot chooses weapon
As all novo-riche do, DOT finds this intolerable.
GT (Gerard Tangent) in a rare public comment claimed powerlessness over the situation as he was "quite scared" of Dot.
He said although she's my wife, I learned early never to mess with her when it came to money and pride.

Tank, in the wake of this mayhem, is reported to have gone back to the actual love of his life ...His Mother!