Father of Treacle Gerard Tangent, long time Gun Club member and owner of English Brass .22 revolver loads 4 bullets per round.
Gerard has on his wall framed certificate of legal win against former work place practice, idolising memories. He worked on Arab oil rig as first officer, assistant engineer whilst the Turks did majority of labour. Any fault – ‘Blame Turks’ (according to Gerard) Work place practice!
According to inside/outside sources Gerard Tangent was furious with DOT as Treacle his beloved ‘fairy’ daughter or is it bewitching daughter had become deeply religious following the macabre demise of suitor Tank Noir.
Whoa there bro!
He turned his vengeance on DOT. Instead of hitting the weekly Friday target practice with the other gun runners, he aimed at DOT.
Hey presto, gun cocked, trigger pulled, hole in the head, fountain of blood.
Brilliant shot from six inches or is it six feet.
Brilliant shot. Always an Ace each Friday at the firing range with the other geeks. Spaghetti Bolognaise for three dollars a bowl afterwards.
Gerard, having insisted all his life he’ll be reincarnated as an ant, turns weapon on himself and bang.
Both are now embalmed in high-tech cryogenics @ Tooth Cove Crypt, Tabriz (NW Iran), weekender of Maud Coch-Blanc, mother of DOT.
No art was seen at site of carnage, Tangent compound.