Sunday, August 8, 2010

Senator Kate Lundy

Senator Lundy, fool apologist for parasitic vermin collectively known as “public servants”, is appealing to their already bloated and wanton lifestyles to get herself re-elected.

Kate Lundy
Her enticement letter for the federal election offers zero initiative on anything. It rides solely on attacking Liberals on their promise to curtail the bureaucratic plague of vainglorious idleness spreading across this land.

Restoration could begin getting some of these swindlers against the honest worker out planting salt bush to regenerate land, arrogantly left useless by their heraldry of self, simultaneously converting their lavish office spaces into industrial sweat shops for the rest.

Possibly humanitarian sterilization would be necessary to snuff out further ideological infestation of their interminable “rights” and demands.

It’s unfortunate Tony Abbott has missed the writing on the wall. That this country has reached a point of industrial decay and bureaucratic incursion such that democracy has become a self-perpetuating curse.

Under responsible leadership Lundy would likely be tried for egocentric treachery. Possibly the woman is unaware of her true condition. It’s sanctioned as lawful.

As an aggrieved expatriate I note Australia, under covert strategists, could easily have been the next superpower.
Instead her huge mineral wealth is continuing to feed and proliferate a vast bio-spherical cancer.

Eric Clapton sang “Let it Grow”

How wonderful the biosphere does have an active immune system.