Friday, August 6, 2010

Treacle Goes Religious

Following arrival of death certificate for Tank Noir, de-composed suitor to air-head celebrity Treacle Tangent, the troubled 16 yr old has sworn allegiance to Braille Medhead, cult leader of Grape Ministries.
Matty Mortlock, celebrity manager and executive hypnotist within Grape says of the contract “We’ve instituted blanket plans to subsume Treacle’s mind into full zombie subservience showcasing what can be achieved when duped Canberran’s chant joyously with the Lower Molonglo Treatment Works” adding “how wonderful it is to prey on awakening realizations of mortality in our self-obsessed youth”

ZAP editors, recognising our readership could get bored by Treacles neo-clean image, have sent special envoy Ghoul Compost-Lloyd o/s to document sinister threads of intrigue and rot within the extended family.
