Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Catholicism Today

Continuing to proclaim ‘sustainable’ growth/development suggests refusal to accept resource limits.
Kate Lundy (rare without garnish)
The stark end point could be a plague of human flesh with little else left to consider.
Ironic result for insisting on species divinity.

Junior Johnny Appleseed: What’s for dinner tonight Mummy?

Mummy (Mary Pork-Seed): Never ye worry Johnny! ..Off 2 Mass now n pray 4 all those Orangemen who disappeared marching past the Kennedy Cannery.
Daddy (Pork-Head Paul): Shhhh boys …I’m not a provider.

Master Dominic Flugel Pork-Head: I know you’re not. Let’s use Vatican Burgundy Red / Maroon/ Gold to make us wealthier.
We’ll market to the church.

Pork-Head Paul: Which church?

Flugel: Largest in the world Porks, 'Catholic'