Saturday, August 27, 2011

Australian Defence Forces (ADFA Open Day 2011)

The ADF Academy recruits personnel for Army, Navy and Air Force. Graduates are awarded a bachelors degree from the University of NSW in addition to an officers commission within their particular service.
Discipline is a key aspect and requisite for a life of service within the military.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Zoran, Gungahlin College

Zoran has an interest in performing arts, possibly theatre.
We wish him success in his field.


Camellia Gortha’s Wheelbarrow

A tragic comedy steeped in the pathos of chronic wheelbarrow dependency.
…Not to be messed with.
…Balls bigger than Bob Hawke’s alter-ego.
…Turbo charged mouth.
Exceptional lover?

Can she just as easily switch to the timely murmur?
The well chosen verbal pearl!

Or will Camellia further devolve into an amorphous mass of bungling uselessness?
(unrecoverable systems failure)

Jon Stanhope, Minister for Arts and Heritage, April 2011
The Monster that ate Canberra
Anne Ross

Monday, July 25, 2011

Bob Quiggin: [Rupert Murdoch bows to the Queen, Michel Filhol HEM bows to Greece]

The image of the old lady faded into unknown youth.
Bob pondered the meaning.
The final view was a seamless mix of daughter/father/newbie.

Being no stranger to speech, he consulted a mentor who suggested the woman, a fragile and rigid old Grandmother of 103+, had taken a final step of psychic immersion into her blue ribbon daughter.
Apparently she didn’t want to die.

Bob had read it all … knew how cheap the world had become.
Watched celebrants of love’s majesty replace free-love hippies only to evolve into the drone of more.

The law of more.
More for less.
He’d seen Orwell’s 1984 come to be. Even grabbed a couple of bargain cameras thinking he could outplay them at their own game.

Top student 1976

Yesterday Lizzie complained “horrible” at Kate’s headless, wedding dress effigy.


Luckless Kate.
No idea the vicious generational line of whimsical be-headings haunted mum.
No matter. Liz had the money and Kate was, after all, only a minimal piece of territory Newspeak 

Billy had dredged off some Scottish catwalk.

Poor Katy.
Thought the Queen would dote on her art …that she’d be endeared forever.

Forgot rolling heads and hearts still pumping mindless little geysers of blood from severed necks are not so easily erased from the minds eye.
Elizabeth Windsor
Back to Bob.
He’s oft thought if she only found some relatives,
…anyone …group …class …sub-class.
Surely a few sturdy payouts could ease her troubled mind.

Bob Quiggin …realist lawyer …knew they’d all be coming out of the woodwork.
The payouts and class actions would go on and on till the Tudor line had the clout of a sentimental dead leaf blowing around Hyde park.

…the leaf the bureaucrats wouldn’t touch with their clean clockwork-club leaf machines.

Ah the bureaucrats!
The talk fest that hid culpability.
No responsibility.
No compensation.
Bob knew how easy it was for Rudd’s lackeys to do “sorry day”
…The aborigines were all dead or at best diluted and minimised to the grey-zones.
Australia’s mineral-frenzied bean counters would laugh at class action for a decimated eco-system, a race wiped.
It sounded great to say ‘sorry’ grab the money and run, throwing a few crumbs over their shoulders shouting gratitude for the pension.

Mr Bob Quiggin.
Offered a job at ANU in cross cultural relationship dialogues.
Great money.

He knew how cheap money had become.
No amount could buy across the board quality.
(It never could)

Bob was top shelf.
He smiled a subtle twist of incredulity at their delusion in offering him the post.

Bread and butter, ultimately, was never greatly more than bread and butter.
He used to enjoy the variations, the textures the often delicate distinctions of the world he’d come from.

And now the milk wars, $5,000 dollar babies, V8’s for the price of a used mountain bike.
One world. One law.
The food of a type. The housing as if.

And Rupert.
Had the chance to contest airwave ownership in his buildings.
The banal conversations wafting through the airwaves of his buildings.
The coded signals were in his space.

Instead he whimpered about his ‘humblest day’
With all that money and commensurate legal clout he bowed to the bureau.
(Bob secretly thought it because Rupert was old and had wasted a lifetime of spare testosterone on unworthy objects)

NY Stock Exchange
Bureaucracies are territorial.
Governments win over entrepreneurial drive any day when the chips are down.
They manipulate military minds ...the men and women who’ve died generation after generation for the healthy ideal …the ideal polluted twisted and sold for zilch to contend spare office space in triplicate.
NATO and the UN, the ‘one world’ governmental bureaucracy.
Territorialism in double speak.

Oh dear …pay up Rupert.
Pay up James …seize the airspace …we’ve won the day …yet again!
We’re such wonderful bureaucrats.
Are we not Jude?
The author has a nice radio …listening, scanning.
Mr Jude Morris, teacher?
Mr Jim White, opportunistic thief?
Mr Rupert Murdoch, publisher coward?

She scans and scans …no signal …static.

Back to the old lady.
She didn’t want to die but the machine gave out.

The daughter?
Apparently Shakespeare held all the answers!
No one reminded her he was dead.
Had been for centuries.

…was a bit of an underground guy at the time but that’s all changed.
…the bureau worked out twas too much truth in it.
…cashed it for boot polish and school curriculums.
    (static law ~ passivity ~ religious law)

Alliance Francais Canberra,
Michel Filhol ... espouses ~~~~?   ??
Michel Filhol HEM, economist.
Childhood memories of historical repartee.
The urbane household.
Agglomerate History of France:
Mountain ranges.
Defensible on 3 sides by Navy.
Navy port, North Sea.
Ultra modern military.
Bonaparte …Bismarck.
Interweaves Catholicism with France’s military might.
Intellectual …Artistic …Cultural.
Socialist !
(bailing out work anorexic Greeks yet again)
Nuclear power …not so sure?

Why not Michel?
Surely time’s right 4 a few mutations!

Johanna Sigurdardottir, PM
ICELAND Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir stated to Foreign Minister Össur Skarphédinsson "the real reason Greece is being propped by the Eurozone is bureaucratic nepotism on a global scale"
"The inefficiency’s preferred as a potentially messy carve up of Greece could compromise the welfare of Greek officials"

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Island of Pushcar

Gupta: ‘Attractive photographs on the website – is this a gallery you display your photographs with?’

Pooja: ‘You seem great’

Anit: ‘You’re funny’

Jannu: ‘I published a book of photography some years ago, which I can show you when I return from Brisbane’


Pooja: I wonder what photographs Jannu’s talking about?

[a week passes]

Anit: ‘Has Jannu sent you an invitation to look at his photographs Pooja?’

Pooja: ‘Not yet.
That’s your bag.
Wow. Instant world’

Gupta: ‘Box delivered to DHL Canberra depot this morning @ 5:30’

Anit: Urban operations (UO) – US soldier …hmm …maybe I’ll use this photograph.
Soldier on the ground.

[Gupta opens door to private writer’s quarters]

Anit: ‘Look. It’s like a chocolate box’

What do you think?
Monogram stamp on shoulder strap!

Pooja: ‘Monogram? No’
[Gupta sits in writer’s quarters]

Writers drink alcohol discussing world affairs. 

Monday, July 4, 2011

Never 2B released

Crooked Chris
Peea parajumps from Sirorsky Black Hawk to apprehend double-dealing swindler at Boston Tea Party.
Boston Tea Party

..due out ?

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Heisenberg uncertainty principle Beta2 + images now available @

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Articles within this work are scanned periodically for accuracy.
As with any history, colour and complexion may change as time reveals the past more clearly.
In such cases articles will be re-edited.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Peea simulates engine failure/spin recovery over archipelago Z (Caribbean Sea)

Peea has graduated with first class honours from Antonio Pavalovia’s ice creamery, and was picked up by American head-hunters, USAF.

She’s been earmarked for July entry to US Air Force academy (11km North of Colorado Springs)
Upon graduation Peea will be awarded a bachelor’s degree and commission as 2nd Lieutenant USAF, July 2015.
Subsequently Peea may undertake intensive follow-up training for grooming toward the ranks of that elite breed of pilot, the test pilot.
A final sortie for test pilot qualification involves flying a Harrier V/STOL by instrument to unknown airspace over archipelago Z, cutting engine power to stall into full vertical descent spin and recovering control without use of engine.
The Harrier ‘jump jet’ is a Vertical/Short Take Off n Landing (V/STOL) type.
Should she be accepted, Peea will have never flown this type but as with all test graduates will be given a 27 page computer generated hexadecimal CAD/CAM* number sequence of all key airfoil control-surface geometries for the type.
2 minutes are allotted before takeoff for digestion of these figures.
Should she fail and find the need to eject, she’ll be provided with compass, canoe building survival knife, three days water and a wild life guide for area Z.

Should she fail this and not be back on base within the week, the United States Air Force are contract bound to give 2 extra computer numbers and a thermos of survival juice next time round (if she survives)
The free world awaits with bated breath Peea’s decision on this cross-road high stakes career choice.
stay tuned

Computer Aided Design/Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) engineering units along with manufacturing robotics were projected to be offered at UC Canberra early 90’s but were dropped, seemingly as a function of virtual non-existence of industry within Australia.
The University is very strong in the ‘soft sciences’ of psychology, economics, business relations etc that are much in demand for entry to bureaucratic officialdom.

Monday, May 9, 2011

AFP mismatch in Child Protection Service forensic data (Hansard Crystal continues to stalk Peea)

'Hateful Hansard' is continuing to stalk the beautiful, the reserved, the smashingly unique belle of Dickson College, Peea. 

Peea née Treacle, having morphed from near destruction by the more-law yoke of Matty Mortlock finally got herself a life working for soft-serve magnate Antonio Pavlovia.

AFP Badge ...The crown symbolises service to the Crown (Commonwealth)
...The wreath symbolises victory
...The Coat of Arms represents the Australian Government and people
...The seven pointed Commonwealth Star represents the States and Territories of Australia
Work place law precedents are enforceable by Australian Federal Police and detectable by AFP forensic process.

Hansard Ingenious Crystal (Hic), seen near the workplace on Friday night shift, is allegedly making a serpentine nuisance of herself at the counter with the intent of getting Peea sacked.
Although Trojan horse infiltration control scam, she paints a picture of protector and friend to Peea.

Hic’s reputably no life at all apart from tempting unaware youths with sexual guile.

It’s been suggested that if she wasn’t propping herself up with the Peea project, she’d quickly degenerate into some bastion of sexaholic gutter relationship …That the highest bidding and most unrestrained blind-man of the day would be ‘in like Flynn’ (as the old saying goes) 

…Further, that if her true nature were enacted and seen, Peea’d drop her pronto.
Consequently a “caring christian” picture is paramount to Hansard’s plans.

Dr. Miller  
Reportedly it’s sanctioned by her mother Mary Crystal [mc], new-age “christian” and keeper of backup men on the side ...hooked in through self-pity theatrics.
(Mary’s latest scam involves manipulative machinations in the groin of Royd Eckersley, groupie henchman for hot new rock group Singe Australia)
[Mary Crystal lives next to Baptist Church Turner Ministers home. Authorities suggest this setup is a function of her quest to be “covered” by powerful men] 
   Rev. John Bracht was unavailable for comment.

Specialist CPS consultant Cray Miller has been called by forensics.
She says it’s a cut and dry outworking of jealousy rooted in vanity.

Involved agents took her to lunch for briefing on possible rescue scenerios.
Dr Miller was quite nonchalant and fatalistic about the case indicating
there was no immediate danger to Peea.

On Crystal Syndicate outcomes Cray, with a ‘seen-it-all-before’ look in her eyes, said she wasn’t that interested either way.
Upon pressing she claimed that for similar precedents within recall, the look was ‘not good’

Free-lance minders continue to monitor the situation.

Attn Jack Powsey, Response Intervention Team, Child Protection Service, 11 Moore St. City 2601
Attn Pastor John Bracht, Turner Baptist Church

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Constable Greg Ryan, AFP Badge #2976453

The Ryan family had a long tradition of service in the force dating back to squaring off Ned Kelly at Pine Gap, when Pakistan and Russia combined to shame the world over it’s obsession with Libyan crude oil.
Constable Ryan, O'Connor, Senior Constable Terfel

Not withstanding, Ryan was a simple enough chap
…liked women, fast cars and grunge auto kick-in on his Stratocaster.
His undercover police car was YFK 52E, an internal police code for Yearling Federal Killers, 52 Every-week.

Const Ryan's Grunge Performance Machine

Greg met his fifth wife (Const. O’Conner) through her commanding officer, Senior Constable Entellus Terfel (ET) ...     
The event:
2011 Bi-annual AFP charity concert for IVF throwbacks.
Alexander Machoniche Detention Centre Chapel, Hume ACT.

…The religious self-pity was so stifling, Greg came out of his comfort zone for a tad and began questioning O’Conner on who’d buried her dog.
            The chief priest Simon Corpuscle, unbeknowns to Ryan, had recently had a super-charged condenser-mic grafted into his audio canal.
           Sargent Corpuscle, a strict adherent to Julia Gillard's “we won’t have that sort of dialogue” ruling, swooped in to police the conversation.

Simon Corbell listens to AFP
demands for 'Police Proscecutors'
to replace the DPP

His concern was the ever present threat of press infiltration making a mockery of the by and large limited mental capacities of the AFP. (It's well noted they prefer guns to pleasant chit-chat and giving people a break where pragmatism and civilized standards call for leeway)

...the framed motto of the Colin Winchester Police Centre, Belconnen:
“when Smith and Weston speak …people listen”

Friday, April 22, 2011

Katy Gallagher, mla

Supreme arrogance of a rotten queen.
Katy Gallagher, Health Minister (Katy's Canberra Plan)

Maybe the people like what she’s doing?

With democracy, if the people are rotten one can be assured of a rotten queen.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Heisenberg UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE 1927, Werner Heisenberg (beta 2)

Uranium nucleus, split by single
neutron, transmutates to
Krypton and Barium +  release
of 3 neutrons
Chain reactions give measurable loss of mass via transmutation ...nuclear reactions (bombs, power plants etc)
Of interest are conventional exothermic reactions where net mass is lost but is un-measurably small
(coal fired power stations, combustion of petrol, oxidation of sugars etc).

Could it be that net distances between electrons and nuclei equate to loss of mass in line with the energy level drop (liberated to environment)?

Given this, underpinned by sub-atomic before-after equity within the nuclei, one could say that particles closer together cause net lower mass by  definition.
Extrapolating to the macro world we could say that when a person visits another, the loss of mass from energy expended in travel is function of masses being closer.

The universe is expanding so by this logic it’s becoming more massive, equating to energy increase.

Given premise of fixed amount of matter, does universal energy increase sufficiently to:
1. counteract increasing disorder from entropy increase
2. exceed energy loss from increasing entropy or
3. is insufficient to counteract, consistent with popularly accepted hypothesis that the universe is in fact winding down and has a use by date (variable within a range as function of how it's used) ?
Please show workings.

Cern Accelerator
(traverses the Franco-Swiss border)
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle states it’s possible to determine with great accuracy the position of an electron or alternatively it’s velocity …but never both.

ie one can never get a truly accurate snapshot of an event (sub-atomic or macro)

This is from limitations of any measuring apparatus.
A more generalized form of the principle states that whatever one attempts to observe is affected by the observer.

In the macro world one finds easy examples such as putting a meter on a battery …the small current required to deflect the meter loads the battery such that the measured terminal voltage will always be slightly lower than the unloaded voltage.

Another example may be taking a photograph.
The presence of photographer and/or camera will cause changes in the ambient lighting reflections of the room such that variations in light intensity/colour will occur relative to what would otherwise be.

In the world of atomic/subatomic particle accelerators/colliders eg CERN near Geneva, we have the situation of the theoretical physicist utilizing cutting edge mathematics to predict the existence of new particles.

Fermilab, Batavia Illinois
The experimental physicist creates experiments to hunt/analyse any such phenomena that, given revelation within experimental error/measuring limitation, subsequently preserves and solidifies the hypothesis into the realm of accepted theory.

The electro-weak theory provided the first reliable estimates of the masses of W and Z particles (nearly 100 times the mass of a proton)

Discovery of these particles was crucial to acceptance of the unified electro-weak theory posited by Steven Weinberg, Abdus Salam and Sheldon Glashow in the 1970’s

Cern Offices
Simon van der Meer (b Nov 24, 1925) Dutch physical engineer, with Carlo Rubbia, discovered these massive short-lived particles, being awarded the Physics Nobel Prize in 1984.
He devised a method for keeping two highly accelerated beams of protons and oppositely directed anti-protons from scattering out and hitting the walls of the 4 mile diameter CERN ring.
This promised a physical interaction sufficient in energy to form the predicted heavy particles.

The mechanism monitored scattering at a particular ring point and triggered a device on the opposite side to modify electric fields such that the particles stayed on course.
The interaction energy of the two beams: 630 GeV [Giga electron Volts]

.... [to be continued] ..

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Canberra Model Railway Expo 2011 ...beta

…Kaleen High School April 2-3.
…interstate interests and clubs including business personalities, product selections etc.

Front Cover "Cowra, A Rail Enthusiasts Album" - Lawrance Ryan
(Alco Technical, Victoria)

Alco World

Alco World

Illawarra Model Railway Association

John M, Canberra Model Railway Club Inc

Kiosk food ...excellent



Train World Pty Ltd, Hawthorn Rd. East Brighton

Zoe, 4yrs,
Canberra Monaro N scale Group
(Trevor May)

Hornby Railway Collectors Association / Meccano

Russell, Alco World

Boy Shopper, Alco World
Captain Matchbox and His famous "Whoopy" band's hey day were in the late 70's and 80's. Ian it transpired not only had the tee-shirt, but could tell us where their farewell Gig is to be in Melbourne.
Ian, Alco World Melbourne

David and ??


British Railway Modellers Australia Inc

Kaleen High

Mixed Business

Robert, Kerroby Models, Picton NSW
Robert advised the correct alloy for non shrinkage of parts in the mold is 93% Tin (Sn) and 7% Antimony (Sb).

Erin Wishart, Canberra Model Railway Club Inc