Monday, June 13, 2011

Peea simulates engine failure/spin recovery over archipelago Z (Caribbean Sea)

Peea has graduated with first class honours from Antonio Pavalovia’s ice creamery, and was picked up by American head-hunters, USAF.

She’s been earmarked for July entry to US Air Force academy (11km North of Colorado Springs)
Upon graduation Peea will be awarded a bachelor’s degree and commission as 2nd Lieutenant USAF, July 2015.
Subsequently Peea may undertake intensive follow-up training for grooming toward the ranks of that elite breed of pilot, the test pilot.
A final sortie for test pilot qualification involves flying a Harrier V/STOL by instrument to unknown airspace over archipelago Z, cutting engine power to stall into full vertical descent spin and recovering control without use of engine.
The Harrier ‘jump jet’ is a Vertical/Short Take Off n Landing (V/STOL) type.
Should she be accepted, Peea will have never flown this type but as with all test graduates will be given a 27 page computer generated hexadecimal CAD/CAM* number sequence of all key airfoil control-surface geometries for the type.
2 minutes are allotted before takeoff for digestion of these figures.
Should she fail and find the need to eject, she’ll be provided with compass, canoe building survival knife, three days water and a wild life guide for area Z.

Should she fail this and not be back on base within the week, the United States Air Force are contract bound to give 2 extra computer numbers and a thermos of survival juice next time round (if she survives)
The free world awaits with bated breath Peea’s decision on this cross-road high stakes career choice.
stay tuned

Computer Aided Design/Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) engineering units along with manufacturing robotics were projected to be offered at UC Canberra early 90’s but were dropped, seemingly as a function of virtual non-existence of industry within Australia.
The University is very strong in the ‘soft sciences’ of psychology, economics, business relations etc that are much in demand for entry to bureaucratic officialdom.