Thursday, November 25, 2010

SES Belconnen, Belconnen Community Festival (Circo Belco)

James Montgomery
James Montgomery was on duty for SES open day run in conjunction with Circo Belco (Belconnen Community Festival) 13/11/10.

The staff put on a free sausage sizzle, demonstrating their catering and rescue service facilities.

James’ direct forbear Roger Montgomery won the battle of Normandy, 1066, along with his cousin King William the 1st conquering Ireland.

From a line of warriors to today’s situation in Canberra, we wonder if it’s in the national interest to rescue fat, lazy, overpaid bureaucrats who refuse to walk a few hundred metres from their allotted car park to their parliamentary triangle offices.

Ciro Belco Shrew
Instead this plague of self are abusing car parks reserved for visitors to Canberra institutions such as the National Library/Archives, Questacon Science Centre and the National Art Gallery. Concurrently they’re clamouring to convert nature strips into car parks for their own personal use. (Canberra Times Nov 22)

Gary Rake
National Capital Authority chief executive Gary Rake showed copybook bureaucratic protocol in being opinion-less on the matter.

With this freeloading vermin giving zero consideration to the people we are supposed to be serving - the people of Australia – it’s clear they’d be less than useless in a war.

We live in hope that when it comes to the crunch, flood and fire can be let to clean up this blight on our community …that our brave SES workers will stand by and allow this toxic slime to be cleaned off the face of our land.