Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Island of Pushcar

Gupta: ‘Attractive photographs on the website – is this a gallery you display your photographs with?’

Pooja: ‘You seem great’

Anit: ‘You’re funny’

Jannu: ‘I published a book of photography some years ago, which I can show you when I return from Brisbane’


Pooja: I wonder what photographs Jannu’s talking about?

[a week passes]

Anit: ‘Has Jannu sent you an invitation to look at his photographs Pooja?’

Pooja: ‘Not yet.
That’s your bag.
Wow. Instant world’

Gupta: ‘Box delivered to DHL Canberra depot this morning @ 5:30’

Anit: Urban operations (UO) – US soldier …hmm …maybe I’ll use this photograph.
Soldier on the ground.

[Gupta opens door to private writer’s quarters]

Anit: ‘Look. It’s like a chocolate box’

What do you think?
Monogram stamp on shoulder strap!

Pooja: ‘Monogram? No’
[Gupta sits in writer’s quarters]

Writers drink alcohol discussing world affairs.