Thursday, November 11, 2010

Singapore Airlines follows Qantas over Rolls-Royce Trent 900 design issue

Possibly the rigid timelines to market on the Trent 900 (RB211 Trent 972-84), as contracted to Airbus, are the genesis of the QF32 uncontained engine failure.
We feel that if the trouble's not from teething problems in new alloys/composites, circumstantial evidence is high for money market culpability both within and outside Rolls-Royce.
Qantas shares dropped overnight by 4% on the back of the A380 service withdrawal.

No doubt a knee jerk reaction from the money market concerning this sober restraint from the safest airline in the world.
Such unthinking irresponsibility certainly does not make it easy for Qantas or Rolls-Royce to get it right for the future without undue intense pressure.

John Travolta flew his Boeing 707 to the Qantas party post QF32 failure.
He was on short leash back of Hollywood breeding priorities.

Qantas succumbs 2 Hollywood
Hollywood adored Judy Garland (The Wizard of Oz) for her looks, her sex, but she wasn’t fathered. God how unusual! …yet another child who wasn’t fathered. What is it?

The A380 maybe just that little bit too sexy, too new not to be whipped back into service prematurely. …Too expensive on the purse, such an exotic piece of stock for the world market.

…Surely we need to be responsible parents to our machines as much as to our children if we’re to be allowed to die peacefully in our sleep.
We feel screaming toward earth in a burning aircraft creates an unchosen intensity of pressure re personal preparation for death. (For some it may be too good)

…but then again the money market knows no bounds …what can we do? Continue to believe the lies of our politician’s repetitive mantra’s of irresponsibility…'it’s global what can we do?'

Not fathered, not mothered. Where have we heard that one before?

Technical Postscript: