Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Money Market

When the poor have excess children, rarely do any become established in the sense of money to spare. They borrow. Their pride drives them to compete in domains of established religio-supremacist law, borrowing for survival and/or the latest fad.
The extra children give a false sense of security and psychologically compensate their petty dominion. They dig up more of the earth in their quest for equity. This releases further goods/energy/property, ultimately to be controlled by the lenders.

Interest rate hikes claim to “slow down overheating economies”
The reality is money supply has become such that more can have a slice of local jurisdiction (home affordability)
Continuing in this direction has an end point of all owning a home and no rental market (no poor)

The rich hate this as it would augur the possibility of work. (no rental income, people managing their own land for their own needs as required, no one digging up excess resources)

Interest rate reductions claim to “rescue stalled economies”
The reality is money has become so expensive no one plays wild cards to dig up more earth. Hence the poor become idle leading to no excess for the rich.
Continuing in this direction would again augur the possibility of work for the rich due to an end point of social upheaval from a spiralling collapse of the money market.

Usury control allows governments to maintain a high sense of importance by blocking social upheaval from low rates (no poor) or high rates (idle poor)

Either scenario outrages idle rich/greedy government establishments. A true end to economic slavery would be in sight. Far easier for them, in their idolatrously languid vanity, to ascribe “complexity” to the economic system, disowning any and all primary responsibility.
Thus the status-quo of an ever present “managed” poor to idle-rich ratio stays in tact, as sustained by privileged and astute readings of voting demographics and socio-religious mores by government insiders.

Ironically this “chosen race” mentality is rooted in Judaism, rescued from the “evil” of Adolf Hitler’s attempt to rid the world of greedy money lenders.

The wealthy justify excess children with a mix of narcissistic heraldry and an abhorrence for sharing with economic orphans.