Friday, December 31, 2010

Lisdoondvarna Matchmaking Festival

Lord of the Rings

Marcus White, Lisdoonvarna
Gollum surfaced from his Thai bedroom covered in signature green slime.
His sleaze radar immediately locked to a nearby contender and bang, his pinguid paw had her bound.

She, bedazzled by his ill gotten gains, became starry eyed and regurgitated the words of her generation “it’s all good”

4 more on this rotten family:

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Paper Trail

Windup/Solar/Nuclear/Pedal powered paperless trails. And trails. And trails. (spiralling out 2 stark reality)
Raw data racked and backed by crystal layers of Californian Redundancy. ZAP ZAP zapity ZAP. Tap Tap tapity Tap.

Executive death tweets a little here and there over food.
Good. Very good.

Dare say I won’t be giving them anything, hmmm concrete or mmmmmm definitive to take away. Probably just pepper ‘beep beep’ a little over their food.
Bird of prey smells live meat.

Talk to tax collector. See what is. Walk out.
They think time. Default always to time.
No use by date?
She waits. Checks state. Plays always to checkmate.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Ellory Lane Fashion Parade - Canberra Centre; Devine Goddess Jewellery

ZAP presents with enthusiasm excerpts from…
The Ellory Lane fashion parade, December 16, 2010

The champagne, oj and cocktail nibbles were excellent.
The atmosphere convivial and friendly.
The clothing of definite interest.

We wish Irene every success for the future, in particular re marketing of
Local labels:
Elcie & Frank
Jane Victoria
Little Sparrow

Friday, December 10, 2010

Special Message from Zoe

I would like to personally welcome Li Wonpenn of Lemon's Art World to Cyber Space Free Speech and Marketing.
We wish him every success in his new enterprise.

Lemon's Art World
Zoe     xx

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Jon Stanhope, Friends of the Pinnacle (FOTPIN), Hawker Shops Redevelopment

Shanghai, May 2010
They complain on prolific fevour of exotic weeds, Pinnacle, but deny they themselves are a plague.

They like maths.
Mathematics is pure.
FOTPIN loves "purity"

They ascribe that purity to interest calculations.

Jon sees not.
He presumes.
He fails.

Sexual festivity Mr. Stanhope supports.
He sanctioned a big roo cull, Pinnacle et al.
He couldn’t lump that one on the “exotic infestation” story.

Jon Stanhope, ACT Chief Minister
They buried tonnes of meat in land fill. Couldn’t pack it for impoverished aborigines or the poor. Something to do with economics we’re told.

Meanwhile their hoofed English imports continue to ravage the fragile topsoils --in an insistence on “traditional” fare. Exotics?

Stanhope spent many thousands on his 2010 visit to China.

He proclaimed last week, in a drive for increased population,
“who wouldn’t want to live in Canberra –strongest economy in Australia”

Jon what comes into Canberra and what flows out? Should it continue to grow?

How would Canberra’s public “service” be if they stopped draining the rest of the country with their excesses?

Would you prefer to practice restraint and try the word ‘enough’ --or follow Gillard and the rest of the world, seducing the masses with more giveaways and platitudes, more bread and circuses --“the economy” before health of a planet we could be enjoying sober tenure over.

Possibly you could try outlawing the ‘baby bonus’ handout here in the territory!
Not likely to be a big vote catcher.
Maybe try peppering it with education on gene worship, heraldic delusion / misty-eyed sentimentality.

Either way you could choose to go down in history as a speaker of truth in the face of dipstick outrage or, as with Shanghai, more of the same.