Friday, September 24, 2010

The Wind in the Willows (21st century)

You earth. I wind.
Earth channel wind.
I decide thing not in place, I blow around.
Earth decide wind not right, she sprout mountain and tree in his path.

And birds?

Birds from earth and water to tickle wind.
Wind very ticklish.
When he roll over and laugh things break.

Also power stones?

Power stone he stay put from wind but earth she chuck around easy when she sprout new mountain.
Earth what you do when no water?
I close up to protect me.

And when toad make dust?

You wind, it you who take dust to water and together cook up big hail stone for toad.

Yes it true me remember. We play ball in cloud an throw dust around then give back to you in ice gift-wrap.
Toad he no like gift-wrap.
He hide an make lots more toad an make special shell he steal from you.
He garnanh-garnanh
I laugh an pick up more water an we make super gift-wrap to break toad shell.
We no like too much Toad.
burlganha mirrindalgu

Earth bird needs food.
Wind bring Yirna children to earth to feed (seeds)

Wind Water an’ Earth together make Fire to dance.
Wind laugh. Water he come big. Fire he make new dance.
Earth she sneeze on metal bird North. Many toad stuck.
Gabi garnbirringu.

Wind man he see marriage of toad and death.
She make balanha mirrindalgu garnanh-garnanh darldu toad easy.
Gabi garnbirringu.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Catholicism Today

Continuing to proclaim ‘sustainable’ growth/development suggests refusal to accept resource limits.
Kate Lundy (rare without garnish)
The stark end point could be a plague of human flesh with little else left to consider.
Ironic result for insisting on species divinity.

Junior Johnny Appleseed: What’s for dinner tonight Mummy?

Mummy (Mary Pork-Seed): Never ye worry Johnny! ..Off 2 Mass now n pray 4 all those Orangemen who disappeared marching past the Kennedy Cannery.
Daddy (Pork-Head Paul): Shhhh boys …I’m not a provider.

Master Dominic Flugel Pork-Head: I know you’re not. Let’s use Vatican Burgundy Red / Maroon/ Gold to make us wealthier.
We’ll market to the church.

Pork-Head Paul: Which church?

Flugel: Largest in the world Porks, 'Catholic' 

Saturday, September 4, 2010



A rich mixture of emotions. 5 important stimulants to his heart
He says to himself 'someone, anyone, I don’t care who, WILL pay for this' ...This means (in simple form) he’ll ride the gravy train hard in his quest for revenge.

He believes heavenly places hold allegiance to him. He dreams platitudinous rites of arrival, that iridescent azure-blue dragon flies honour him from neo-Goth statues fastidiously arranged around his Olympic pools.

Seems nothing could be better.
Not derailed, rich in vanity, the professional man.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010