…Kaleen High School April 2-3.
…interstate interests and clubs including business personalities, product selections etc.
Front Cover "Cowra, A Rail Enthusiasts Album" - Lawrance Ryan (Alco Technical, Victoria) |
Alco World |
Alco World |
Illawarra Model Railway Association |
John M, Canberra Model Railway Club Inc |
Kiosk food ...excellent |
AlcoWorld |
AlcoWorld |
Train World Pty Ltd, Hawthorn Rd. East Brighton |
Zoe, 4yrs, Canberra Monaro N scale Group (Trevor May) |
Hornby Railway Collectors Association / Meccano |
Russell, Alco World |
Boy Shopper, Alco World |
Captain Matchbox and His famous "Whoopy" band's hey day were in the late 70's and 80's. Ian it transpired not only had the tee-shirt, but could tell us where their farewell Gig is to be in Melbourne.
Ian, Alco World Melbourne |
David and ?? |
British Railway Modellers Australia Inc |
Kaleen High |
Mixed Business |
Robert, Kerroby Models, Picton NSW |
Robert advised the correct alloy for non shrinkage of parts in the mold is 93% Tin (Sn) and 7% Antimony (Sb).
Erin Wishart, Canberra Model Railway Club Inc |