Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Gaia Physics

The biosphere can be seen as intelligent re it’s capacity to correct imbalances, as the many homeostatic systems of a human body do.
James Lovelock documented this using the name Gaia.

More particularly that atmospheric and hydrological feedback systems are beginning to behave toward extreme human activities and populations, as an immune system does toward malignant tumour cells.

What’s interesting is the pageantry in human interpretation of intelligence, ascribing to it quantum leaps beyond simple cause-effect reactionary systems.
…That the mind is apart from the body

And yet when asked which cell/cells in their body does this ‘mind’ reside, one draws a blank.

They conclude they are indeed a system. In particular a homeostatic system which regulates for health of the body.

Gaia Futures
But suggest the next step is to ponder biosphere intelligence (in all key ways parallel as a homeostatic feedback system), and the scoffing is in the realm of billions.

Supporting data continues to arrive as homo-sapiens* proceed toward infestation of all geographical locations.

*Origin Latin ‘wise man’