The illegality appears to be from Celtic superstition over the bird’s white colour and sulphur crest (gold colour)
First boil the bird for 1 hour (or at least until eyes become firmly glazed over with blue-grey mottle)

This way feathers can be removed without loss of skin.
Hacksaw at neck to remove head. (this is the basis for the highly prized Cockatoo Head Soup)
Otherwise feed head to dog.
Pull away wings, pausing for boiled-wing appetiser as necessary.
Prepare fresh or frozen vegetable mix for fast steaming.
(Heinz frozen Romano mix is very nice …green beans, orange and yellow carrot, romanesco broccoli)
Begin steaming vegetables.
Stir fry meat in hot pan or wok in modest quantity of safflower or canola based margarine.
Intermittently push meat firmly against pan with egg flip to sizzle extra steam through the cube.
(about 2 minutes)
Turn down heat and add favourite basting sauce to taste.
Boil down over reduced heat, stirring regularly.
Serve vegetables with medium cover of Cockatoo Crisp sprinkled on top.