Thursday, March 31, 2011

Daewoo Matiz 5 door

…one of the most economical hatchbacks on the market.
Peter Brick (not to be mistaken for Peter Brock from Holden racing) reviewed the Matiz for ZAP and reported a return of around 48 miles to the gallon, highway-city average.
This is about 17 Km per litre.
So at $1:50 a litre we get (17/1.50) = 11.33 km for a dollar. (slightly less than 10¢ per km)

Mr. Brick found the handling of the Matiz very nice as he hummed around town on and off the brakes, the accelerator, up and down the hills, round the roundabouts.
The steering was light which made parking a breeze for the city savvy driver.
His final assessment indicated a truly talented little car in every respect apart from a slight flat spot on initial acceleration away from the lights and between gear changes.
He said “This minor peculiarity was not a problem given driver awareness and an ability to rev the lively 3 cylinder engine out closer to capacity on acceleration cycles within city traffic”

3 cylinder 796 cc petrol engine
Top speed 144 km/hr
Acceleration 0 to 100 km/hr in 17 secs
Transmission: 5 speed manual

Additional detail:

Friday, March 25, 2011

Simone Weil, French philosopher, Christian Mystic

Hi Victor,
Zoe says you’re ‘esoteric
team player of post-modern ghetto-law new-speak’
She refused to say how she came to this conclusion and we tend not to argue in the interests of survival.
I suspect she doesn’t like “teams” …that it smacks of 1984 Orwellian Canberra-Speak.
She’s vigilant to flush out communists who like hiding under her bed.
Zoe’s not a luddite and
is au fait with many new technologies, but for personal usage, tends toward simple devices like machetes and nails.
Reminds me of self-piteous line from christian psycho re-enactments …’get off the cross we need the wood’
Welcome 2 zap,

Alan Warner, Storeman.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

World Naked Bike Ride

Mezmerized dalliance.

Self splendour.
Police escorted self.
Processions of self.
Splendid array of self and self.

Loud saying nought.
Intensive politics of self.

Written over and over and some,
...Paint, noise, politics.
...Politics, noise, paint.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Dog that ate the Diode [Chap 2]

Fifi had now left her much loved kennel and bone for a life as princess.
But she was yet to find the true prince.

How would she know him if he turned up?
      Would it be his looks or how he speaks?

His strength in danger and courage in war?
  His honesty?

Fifi decided he would have to be a mix of all these things.

A prince thinks little about good or evil.
He knows matters of other realms are for later, if at all.
He’s more about healthy management of the present.

He doesn’t waste time.


He suffers fools only to keep them ready for secret plans.
He indulges their foolish vanity as a way to make this work.
This is strategy.
…Otherwise he puts them back in their boxes with sharp remarks.

He knows never to trust fools and to be sure who his enemies are.

He likes time with friends and animals and looks after his plants and trees.
He’s not greedy for loads of money.
He can go without if required.
He knows this can lead to an excellent result.

One day in the city Fifi chanced upon two young men.
She decided to speak to them.

Egor liked art.
Fifi wanted to see what he looked like when he was brilliant but Egor refused to say “I’m brilliant”
Instead, after considering carefully who his enemies might be, he agreed to say “I’m going to be brilliant”

Fifi credited Egor with the princely attribute of finding out about his enemies. He also passed the test of honesty.

Egad liked cigarettes.
Fifi could see he was vain and saw himself as a Hollywood movie star.
She tried hard to find some princely features for Egad but there were none.
Instead she discovered he smelt disgusting, wasted his money, listened to lies on expensive shiny gadgets and, worst of all, she couldn’t have a decent conversation with him.
Every time she tried, just when the chat was getting somewhere, he had to disappear outside to his cigarettes to think lots about himself and being in the movies.

Fifi agreed to speak to Egor again.
She decided next conversation, she’d ask him about his horse.

Egor's Horse

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Daniel Casares Román (welcome to ZAP)

The Ju52/3m was one of the great aircraft of history.
Initially single engined then three (3m=3motors).

Junkers Ju 52/3mg7e crossing Mediterranean, 1942.
Sierra Tequila from Guadalajara, Jalisco Mexico.

Early 3m versions were sold worldwide as 15/17 passenger airliners and also made up 75% of the giant Lufthansa fleet (reducing that airline’s forced landings per million kilometres from 7 to only 1.5)

Initially forming the first Luftwaffe bomber squadrons, later units were fitted for troop transport, freight and casualty evacuation.
By 1936 about half the 450 built were supplied to the Legion Kondor in Spain and to the Nationalist Air Force.

First flight Oct 1930, final delivery 1952 (Spanish built CASA 352-Ls used as multi-role transports until 1975 by Spanish Air Force)

Engines: BMW 600hp Hornet thru to 825hp 132T (standard on most wartime versions)
Also 925hp Bristol, PZL Pegasus, 710hp Wright Cyclone (9 cylinder radial)

Tequila approx 38% alcohol by volume.
Distilled from Agave cactus plant.
Can be further distilled to produce pure ethanol [C2H5OH], used as industrial solvent or fuel.

The Ju52/3m was never modified to run on cactus.


sierra |sēˈerə|
1 a long jagged mountain chain.
2 a code word representing the letter S, used in radio communication.
ORIGIN mid 16th cent.: Spanish, from Latin serra ‘saw.’

Friday, March 4, 2011

Democracy ...serious flaws

Barack Obama (oil addicted thug)
Americans call warriors like Sadam Hussain and Colonel Muamma Gaddafi “dictators”.
They then dictate democracy has to be everywhere.

The people demand all the rights under the sun and piles more money than they need.
Simultaneously they hate responsibility.
They love to point the finger at someone else when things screw up.
The “leaders” also hate responsibility so they create huge bureaucracies to hide behind.
They blame the rest of the world for their financial woes.

A way of creating extra money is to entice so called “undeveloped” peoples with coca-cola, shiny gadgets, big cars, TV and Hollywood. They claim this as the only true way to happiness and freedom.

The poor succumb to the lie and convert their vegetable plots to grow tobacco and decimate their forests to fuel the curing process.
They dig up all their minerals and oil putting roads everywhere. They plant mega mobile phone towers alongside huge neon signs. 

Vast monoculture harvesters, blazing street lights, tacky statues and pictures of vainglorious pride coast to coast.
They light up the whole place with themselves and stories about how brilliant they are.
They kill the night.
Gordon Brown

The profits go to western investors but it’s still not enough as they complain about “global debt” (the globe owes them more)

They leave no space for other animals.

They become like their masters, hating the uncontrollability of the weather, especially when it interferes with their treadmill clocks of control over the ones who are stupid enough to actually work for them. This is not their cosseted public “servants” (they rarely work)
Public servants are essentially an idle mass of bought voters living off the fat of the land. Politicians pandy to the insatiable greed of these parasites to get themselves voted in.
And Julia Gillard, in her delusional supremacy, wants more investment in Australia as if the place isn’t being dug up fast enough already.
She’d dreams of enshrinement in Hollywood’s legend boulevard.
Her parents weep tears of twisted joy.

The people demand laws to institute perverted sex.
Would this woman take in someone cold and lonely at night and be kind?
(Julia Gillard)

The govt makes it law to stay in power.
They put personal wealth and power before decency.

They don't like walking.
Their millions of powerful cars carting vain, overweight and obese vermin or otherwise body-beautiful self-worshipers all over the shop consuming vast resources, producing nothing, putting nothing back.
They then get misty eyed and precious over their test tube babies, produced at foolish cost to the country to continue the germ line they’re so incestuously addicted to.

Addicts in every sense of the word. Addicted.
Voracious for more oil, more babies, more TV channels, video phones for their social addictions. More control.
And their “leaders” give it to them all plus because they’re addicted to the power and acclaim.
In truth they don’t give a hoot about the people they claim to serve.
Julia Gillard's Daughter

Then an oil rich non democratic country like Libya has some internal strife and they’re in there boots and all to “save” the people and bring them the “freedom” of democracy.

If America and the rest of the developed world could be honest about their intrusions and admit it’s all about greed for more oil, their credibility could begin to increase.
This won’t happen.
They’ll continue deeper into their pit of lies and justifications, backed by their twisted illogical and supremacist-religious misconstructions.
Julia Gillard
(Stomach Acid Futures)
Because so few people want to hear the truth.
Especially if it means they’ll feel called to take a stand against the status-quo of entrenched destroyers in the billions.

Democracy is about opportunists gaining the trust of the people by pandying to their every whim and desire.
It’s rarely about true leadership.
They don’t lead and take responsibility as a true leader does, fighting alongside their troops in battle as necessary.
The needs of their people are not their priority …
They prostitute the planets wonderful but limited resources to voracious whim and wanton unrestraint.

Youth be aware.
Question destructive delusions of parents (in secret if strategically expeditious)
Psychologically leave any lies they may be living and become free.

Oil addicted pervert
(this could be expensive but leaving also the manipulative lie of religion can correct this problem)

Be part of the next wave in history.
It’s genesis is tactical respect for truth.

Julian Assange was useful for a time but he blew it by not staying underground.
He went for personal acclaim, wanting public approval to massage his ego.
…A brilliant man now blocked and a byword due to his own vanity.
He could still have been in the service of truth if none of us knew his name or where he was.