Friday, March 25, 2011

Simone Weil, French philosopher, Christian Mystic

Hi Victor,
Zoe says you’re ‘esoteric
team player of post-modern ghetto-law new-speak’
She refused to say how she came to this conclusion and we tend not to argue in the interests of survival.
I suspect she doesn’t like “teams” …that it smacks of 1984 Orwellian Canberra-Speak.
She’s vigilant to flush out communists who like hiding under her bed.
Zoe’s not a luddite and
is au fait with many new technologies, but for personal usage, tends toward simple devices like machetes and nails.
Reminds me of self-piteous line from christian psycho re-enactments …’get off the cross we need the wood’
Welcome 2 zap,

Alan Warner, Storeman.