Monday, June 28, 2010

Dame Oprah Tangent JAILED

Dame Oprah Tangent was jailed today for Family Violence against daughter Treacle following the loss of suitor Tank Noir, a casualty of DOT’s chronic money addiction. (
Treacle is claiming emotional damage following the gruesome discovery of Tank’s 3 day old corpse.

The body of the 17 year old was found impaled on Compound Primary Scanner Antennae #629 in full Kamikaze regalia.

ZAP reporter Ghoul Compost-Lloyd is at the scene as we cross live to Canberra.

Salivating deeply over the carnage Ghoul was mute. Inspiration for block buster horror stories seep into his skull by this method.

Surfacing from the septic silence for a moment, a resonant, festering gurgle was heard throughout the precinct.

ZAP sound engineers suggest Mr. Ghouls left foot was the source of this emanation, setting up haemorrhoidal hemoflagellate bubbling via oesophageal 2nd order harmonics.

Canb. Magistrates Court
The vanity meter was pinned, bent around the end stop as Justice Chris Pretty Esq cruised by. The signature aroma of law court powder puff androgyny lingered throughout the corridor.

With dry detail of law double-speak, Treacle and Mr Pretty met in cubicle 1.

Mr Pretty, in sotto voice, dangling his stainless steel 18 carat Parker “Frontier” in her face asked ‘do you know what this is?’

Treacle brimming with enthusiasm and bucket mouth gusto replied ‘a pen’

Pretty, shaking his head with mock disappointment said ‘Do you know anything of court protocol?’ After a self-piteous ‘No’, Chris continued 'If you’re in the stand and the magistrate asks "know what this is?" The reply is 'yes' or 'no'

Treacle’s zest had left her. She felt dejected and foolish for not knowing everything. He sensed her disappointment and, noticing a hint of Grecian nobility in her features, resolved to take her to dinner that night for further instruction.