Monday, May 9, 2011

AFP mismatch in Child Protection Service forensic data (Hansard Crystal continues to stalk Peea)

'Hateful Hansard' is continuing to stalk the beautiful, the reserved, the smashingly unique belle of Dickson College, Peea. 

Peea née Treacle, having morphed from near destruction by the more-law yoke of Matty Mortlock finally got herself a life working for soft-serve magnate Antonio Pavlovia.

AFP Badge ...The crown symbolises service to the Crown (Commonwealth)
...The wreath symbolises victory
...The Coat of Arms represents the Australian Government and people
...The seven pointed Commonwealth Star represents the States and Territories of Australia
Work place law precedents are enforceable by Australian Federal Police and detectable by AFP forensic process.

Hansard Ingenious Crystal (Hic), seen near the workplace on Friday night shift, is allegedly making a serpentine nuisance of herself at the counter with the intent of getting Peea sacked.
Although Trojan horse infiltration control scam, she paints a picture of protector and friend to Peea.

Hic’s reputably no life at all apart from tempting unaware youths with sexual guile.

It’s been suggested that if she wasn’t propping herself up with the Peea project, she’d quickly degenerate into some bastion of sexaholic gutter relationship …That the highest bidding and most unrestrained blind-man of the day would be ‘in like Flynn’ (as the old saying goes) 

…Further, that if her true nature were enacted and seen, Peea’d drop her pronto.
Consequently a “caring christian” picture is paramount to Hansard’s plans.

Dr. Miller  
Reportedly it’s sanctioned by her mother Mary Crystal [mc], new-age “christian” and keeper of backup men on the side ...hooked in through self-pity theatrics.
(Mary’s latest scam involves manipulative machinations in the groin of Royd Eckersley, groupie henchman for hot new rock group Singe Australia)
[Mary Crystal lives next to Baptist Church Turner Ministers home. Authorities suggest this setup is a function of her quest to be “covered” by powerful men] 
   Rev. John Bracht was unavailable for comment.

Specialist CPS consultant Cray Miller has been called by forensics.
She says it’s a cut and dry outworking of jealousy rooted in vanity.

Involved agents took her to lunch for briefing on possible rescue scenerios.
Dr Miller was quite nonchalant and fatalistic about the case indicating
there was no immediate danger to Peea.

On Crystal Syndicate outcomes Cray, with a ‘seen-it-all-before’ look in her eyes, said she wasn’t that interested either way.
Upon pressing she claimed that for similar precedents within recall, the look was ‘not good’

Free-lance minders continue to monitor the situation.

Attn Jack Powsey, Response Intervention Team, Child Protection Service, 11 Moore St. City 2601
Attn Pastor John Bracht, Turner Baptist Church