Fifi had now left her much loved kennel and bone for a life as princess.
But she was yet to find the true prince.
But she was yet to find the true prince.
How would she know him if he turned up?
Would it be his looks or how he speaks?![]() |
Egor |
His strength in danger and courage in war?
His honesty?
Fifi decided he would have to be a mix of all these things.
A prince thinks little about good or evil.
He knows matters of other realms are for later, if at all.
He’s more about healthy management of the present.
He doesn’t waste time.
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Egad |
He suffers fools only to keep them ready for secret plans.
He indulges their foolish vanity as a way to make this work.
This is strategy.
…Otherwise he puts them back in their boxes with sharp remarks.
He knows never to trust fools and to be sure who his enemies are.
He likes time with friends and animals and looks after his plants and trees.
He’s not greedy for loads of money.
He can go without if required.
He knows this can lead to an excellent result.
One day in the city Fifi chanced upon two young men.
She decided to speak to them.
Egor liked art.
Fifi wanted to see what he looked like when he was brilliant but Egor refused to say “I’m brilliant”
Instead, after considering carefully who his enemies might be, he agreed to say “I’m going to be brilliant”
Fifi credited Egor with the princely attribute of finding out about his enemies. He also passed the test of honesty.
Egad liked cigarettes.
Fifi could see he was vain and saw himself as a Hollywood movie star.
She tried hard to find some princely features for Egad but there were none.
Instead she discovered he smelt disgusting, wasted his money, listened to lies on expensive shiny gadgets and, worst of all, she couldn’t have a decent conversation with him.
Every time she tried, just when the chat was getting somewhere, he had to disappear outside to his cigarettes to think lots about himself and being in the movies.
Fifi agreed to speak to Egor again.
She decided next conversation, she’d ask him about his horse.
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Egor's Horse |