Monday, February 14, 2011

The Dog that ate the Diode ...(part 1)

Matty Mortlock* called Betty’s sister a dog.
Fifi thought zero of that, wagged her tail, and reflected upon the rise and fall of various bones.

That night, in kennel dreamtime, she was told to eat a diode.

 Being an obedient mutt she did and bing, immediately turned into a princess.
A princess needs a prince and a prince is different from other people.
Trouble was, the world had a bad king who became king by telling lies.
He’d told the people they were all so very very beautiful.

He gave them anything they wanted, digging up all the earth to give them palaces, rich clothes and jewellery to trick them into believing his lie.
He gave them big cars and aeroplanes and lots of money.
...They could buy anything and everything and go anywhere at all, any time of day.

He even filled the schools with mirrors, lights and movie cameras, theatres and TV’s so the children could all think they were movie stars and so very very special.

He taught them to have lots and lots of babies and told them they too could be very beautiful and amazingly special.
(That way he had even more people to be king over and tell lies to)

Meanwhile, all the earth was being dug up and destroyed with billions and billions of people taking everything for themselves.
All the other animals and plants were dying out because there was nothing left for them.
All the young men now thought they were princes and so very special.
Of course, really ...they were all the same.
In their vanity they loved the king who lied about them all being princes. 
So they kept serving him and giving him more and more power.

Fifi knew that a real prince is truly different, that he stands apart from others.
How could she find such a one with all the world pretending to be princes, all dressed up in their finery and tremendous wealth?


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Betty n Dave's Carport Holdup

Betty: ‘Ahhh (Scream), the boyfriend’s turned up with a bone
            2 pick’
           ‘Ahhhhh’ (Blood curdling scream waking the dead from
            Surfers Paradise to the Big Banana)
           ‘I might have reparations to pay’

[Enter Big Dave]

Big Dave: ‘I’m Dave’
‘I’m big’
‘I speak’
‘Man the car-parks. Prime the cameras. Gag Betty’

[Bone Picker, BP, is escorted by security guards to Dave’s executive office, a fluoro lit carport]

Big Dave: ‘You don’t love Betty’s Dad’
‘That’s a crime’
‘I speak to Betty’s Dad every week’
‘He likes me’
‘He’s filthy rich’
‘You’re scum cos I’m Big Dave n Betty’s Dad likes me’

BP:   ‘Hi Dave’
        ‘You Betty’s latest fuck?’
         [Dave muscles up to defend his
         cherished image of Betty’s unparalleled purity]

[Amazon Betty bursts onto the scene with purple perm-puffed side boofs quivering with rage, eaves dropping gear all askew]

‘Look at my house’
‘It shows how brilliant I am’

‘Look at their house’
‘It shows how horrible they are’

‘Dave, destroy them immediately or I’ll tell Jim you’re un-special’

[Dave in a rare flash of sanity walks away]

[Betty loses plot and is admitted to PSU kicking and
biting the wards men screaming inanities about how poorly they are against the pin ups all over her bedroom walls]
Attn: Bettina White, Robina Public Hospital, Robina QLD (Whites Hotels)