Sunday, May 23, 2010

ZAP Encryption Guru Cracks TANGENT Security

In a world first, 48 bit Number Cruncher Hybrid Byte has cracked State-of-the-Art data links into the TANGENT compound.
Using a modified crystal set, pink caviar, and a dangerously over-clocked quantum computer, Mr. Byte captured images direct from the inner sanctum ...Treacle Tangent's Bedroom !!
Due to a treacherous leak within ZAP, Treacle was alerted to the situation before any truly toxic images could be aired.
In a blitzkrieg of absolute control, AFP data police re-routed proprietary ZAP networks direct to The Lodge, Canberra.
We understand Kelvin Stud, recently in therapy over the 16 yr old pop-star, has suffered a major setback. Leading psychiatrists within The Lodge, suggest Mr. Stud is unlikely to recover.
Two ZAP images, released yesterday have been blamed for the Chiefs' Meltdown:
These suggest Tank Noir, Treacles' current boyfriend, breached compound security gaining entry to the girls' bedroom. He then left a bold message on Treacle's misty east facing window.
Mr. Gerard Tentacle Tangent, Treacles' ultra-protective Dad, is reported to be pleased at Tanks' ingenuity.
Mr. Tangent, who hand picked Noir as suitable for Treacle ( is said to be delighted the boy did not take advantage of his power over the situation. That Treacle, regardless of her outrageously brazen persona, was still found to be "intact"