Saturday, January 1, 2011

I loved the promise of ‘flower-power’, a counter culture mantra of the 1960’s
I wasn’t so sure about the ‘free’ love and illicit drug aspect of this uprising. Interestingly, many of the ‘hippies’ of that day are now very wealthy clones of the establishment who wouldn’t share a dime with anyone.
Technologically, the 60’s projected the tantalising mirage of no war, illness or poverty as innovation pumped out marvel after marvel of communications infrastructure, medical science, and agricultural control.

French Champagne
The artist Andy Warhol came in on one such marvel (aluminium), taking the ubiquitous red and white can of coca cola to new platforms and viewpoints.
‘The man who made Campbell soup cans and Coca-Cola bottles cool is now himself the inspiration for a far more elite series of packaging. Students from London’s Central Saint Martin’s College of Art and Design’s Design Laboratory have re-designed Dom Pérignon’s classic bottle in tribute to Andy Warhol, who claimed the luxury bubbles brand was his beverage of choice.’ 
...Harper’s Bazaar December 2010

As such, we were warned of the empty banality of the ever-burgeoning monoculture, still growing today.
The awesome power of a mechanical eagle landing on the moon (Apollo 11), somewhat trivial against the backdrop of universal magnitudes and forces, gave many new humility. And for many more, new arrogance.